Everything you need to know about Techo-Bloc's retaining wall anchoring systems.

Alex Cadieux
Publish by Publié par Alex Cadieux on le Jun 26, 2019 7:40:17 PM

Techo-Bloc has the widest range of segmental retaining wall options in the industry. With 17 collections (11 of them double-sided) to choose from, our systems allow for the construction of: 

A great benefit of our products is that the colors and textures that you find in our slab and paver collections carry over to our products used to incorporate vertical elements to your projects very easily. A few of our most popular examples:

Our wall systems anchor together one of three ways:

  1.  Simple stack:

  2. Rocka wall, Borealis wall, Manchester wall are all examples of this system. Here, the length, width, depth and weight of the units create the friction required for the wall to hold together. Adhesives should be used in seat wall and other decorative applications.

    Here, we can see an example of using the Borealis wall to build beautiful outdoor features, without requiring an anchoring system.

  3. PVC Insert:

  4. Mini-Creta, Mini-Creta Architectural, Graphix, Semma, Suprema all use this versatile system. The front and top of these blocks are always indicated with a thumbprint (always keep the block thumbprint up!) These products also feature two grooves on the top and bottom of each block. The groove is designed to receive a PVC insert that will lock the next course of block in place. The front groove is designed to provide vertical alignment for the wall system (it will be built straight up). The back groove is used to align the units for a setback.  One insert should be used per block, on the end, so that it locks the adjacent block in place as well.
  5. PVC Anchoring Pin:

  6. Raffinato, Brandon, Prescott, Travertina Raw and G-Force* walls all use this system. As with the previous group, the top and front of the block is indicated with a thumbrpint. With these products, the grooves are found on the top and sides of the block. Simply slide the PVC pin down the channel on the side of the block while keeping it aligned with the subsequent course. Front groove creates a vertical wall, back groove will create a setback, or inclined, wall. Two pins should be used per block - one on each end in the appropriate channel. Skip ahead to 3:40 in the below video for a great example!


Important note about gluing walls:

Many contractors feel the need to glue an entire wall together. This is a mistake. Unless the wall is a freestanding one, adhesive should only be used on the corners, the last course and underneath the caps. Gluing the entire structure together removes its flexibility and actually weakens its performance. Plus, its up to 20% slower!

The best source of information on our wall products is the Techo-Spec Guide. Download your copy right now, you'll be glad you did.

Download the latest Techo-Spec Guide



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